Monday, February 2, 2009

Sking : Message of Life

Yesterday I went for Skiing resort with my friend. This was the first time I was going for a Skiing. It was really a nice learning experience. Although I fall more often then I able to do it. The learning was similar to the struggle of a child who is trying to stand and walk first step. As child try and fell during first step of life, I also try to ski but most often fell. As the ski take a speed the fear of imbalance make me fall backward rather then inclining forward. My friends learn the trick fast and were able to ski successfully. That cause some embarrassment to me. But as with a child, whose struggle and challenge is with not any other children, but with his own fear and courage, same was with me. I have to overcome fear of falling and I have to take a control of my brain to overcome fear. I think same goes with life, most of time we struggle and compete with the other people based on the worldly perseption of success and go in a mad rat race with out realizing that struggle and competition we have to do is with in our self. Rather the asking what really fear we want to overcome and what challenge we want to set for our self, most of the time we go for based on what other people think as our success. At last I was able to do ski but was not able to control or learn to slow down . So I was a driver who know how to drive a car but don't know how to stop. But I learn one big Lesson.
Challenge and Fear is with in yourself, overcoming is a first step to Success.

So as with car driver who know only way to stop a car by crashing it in road side I have to stop skiing by intentionally falling down. But still I do the sking from uphill inrespect of knowing that I have to fall to stop. This give me one more lesson of the day.
In respect of knowing that your are going to fall you have to keep trying and improving.

I was not to able to learn how to control speed till evening but I promise myself I will learn next time. As I learned yesterday I have to overcome fear and compete with myself .


Manoj Tiwari