Sunday, August 28, 2011

Anna Agitiation : Is it a real win ?

It was amazing to see celebration across the country as Anna victory on Jan Lok Pal Bill. But a question really come to me is it a really full victory of the demand Anna and its Team made or it is just a token victory to find a middle path so that a log jam which seems to going in last few day can be solved with a sense of victory for common people. Let me clarify first that I am real admirer of Anna and thanks to him and his Teams for making people of india aware of their actual power. Let look why this agitation has been started. The real demand of agitation was to introduce Jan Lok pal bill in parliament and pass it by 30th August. The government response to that is that Lok Pal Bill is already with standing committee and any suggestion can be given to standing committee. So what we really achieve with Anna agitation. At the end of agitation we have a resolution from Parliament without binding and ambiguous with word “In Principle” which has gone to standing committee as suggestion. Resolution from parliament doesn’t binds the standing committee to compulsory incorporate those changes. As it is clear from interview from Manu Singhivi , chairman of standing committee that they will look all suggestions and based on constitutional framework and feasibility of implementation they will finally recommend to Parliament. Can we not smell some thing fishy in it ? Is not the same argument we have heard from Mr Sibal and other government nominee in drafting committee when there was difference with Team Anna? So is it not bring us to again to square one ? The answer is Yes and No. Yes, because from process perspective we were at same point before the agitation started. Means resolution is just one of many suggestion given to standing committee as from different group of society and one of those group is Parliament. Other answer is no beacuse it will very difficult for government to do U turn when most party adore those three sticky points in front of live camera which was watched by millions across the country. But I will not be surprised if Government do the U turn after looking at their flip flop in last two weeks. As there is no time frame for bringing the Bill in Parliament the government will count on lack of public memory for changing in stand. Then the ball will be again in Anna Court. As rightly said by anna that it is just half battle won. I want to quote Winston Churchill famous word “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”. Let hope that, we the people of India will have all of energy and determination to go till end.