Friday, August 31, 2012

Is Anti Corruption loss the Track

Some said Anna movement has fizzled out. The environment of optimism and hope we saw is so called second August Revolution last year has failed or it is just a down phase of movement as it happens to all great revolution ?As I said in my last year blog on August movement that battle might be won but still war left. The winning euphoria when parliament has to bend down according to wish of common people in street seen as one of turning movement of Indian democracy. So what went wrong in this one year which makes this great revolution to be now looking like few desperate people fighting to hold the torch bearer of the movement?

Firstly no one thought the last year August movement will see so much support across the country. This has not just surprise government but also the movement leaders. Government makes some grave mistake like arresting Anna which gave more support to movement. Once government was able to convince Anna to give up his fast, government started preparing for next step of movement. Government learn from the mistake they have done early and planned their strategy of managing media in advance and not been proactive like during Kejriwal fast.

On other leader of movement were euphoric after last year August success, but there was no plan how to convert this support to something meaning full in long run. There were many voices and direction by so called core committee. It is expected with a team having so many independent and intellectual successful personality it is difficult to curtail their different view, which they aired frequently in media. This creates more confusion on common man. Although it is called Anna movement there was no clear authority in respect of having core committee. And Anna doesn’t command same authority which we all like to see as Gandhi yield during independent movement.

Second there was great confusion on the rank how to proceed after last year great success. No one was sure whether the support of people was anti government or anti system or political class. Hence we hear first core committee targeting government and its minister. Then we have seen targeting all political class. The confusion can be understandable as Indian society is so complex that each of us can’t be tight with single agenda. Yes we all agree that corruption has to go, but can all going to vote some specific party based on that factor only? Just add other essence of Indian democracy like reservation, secularism, regional aspiration and combining all we will actually loss the real issue in those maze.

I don’t want to conclude that movement is dead as a common man who wants to see change in system. I want to perceive that movement is in his low phase and it will find it right path again. Remember Gandhi fight for forty year for independent so we can also be patience for few year for a change.