Sunday, September 2, 2012

Maatma Gandhi vs Anna Movement

Last week I saw film “Gandhi” coming on TV. This was the second time when I was seeing the movie. First time when I saw I was too young to understand the underline politics during independence movement. But this time it makes me to see the independence movement in a differentt perspective. Also I can’t stop to compare it with present Anti Corruption movement. The big difference I can see is Gandhi Independence movement was inclusive of several issues pertaining to that time. Although it was called independence movement with a aim of dethroning English Raj, but from Gandhi's perspective it was just one of the goal of India Independence movement. As per Mahatma Gandhi the definition of Independence is just not about getting rid of British Raj from country but also getting rid of several social and economical evil which are prevailing in society. Like his  harijan movement, cloth spinning to have economic independent which are all tied to his definition of true India freedom.  That why when in 1919 when whole nation rise on his call for noncooperation movement, he suddenly withdraw the agitation in respect of having pan India support because of only one incident of violence which doesn’t confer to his definition of freedom. Although we can disagree on some of his belief like village based economy which his favorite disciple Nehru himself abandon, but it gives exclusive definition of independence and its meaning. This had help in giving the Independent movement more spiritual and moral connection with the masses which help in connecting many diverge level of people across the country.

When I compare Gandhi's Independence movement with present Anna anti corruption movement I find absence of that inclusiveness. I find that we are making this movement specific to one legislature or against specific class. Although we all know corruption is not specific to person or party and it had risen in years due to systematic mutation of the well intended but weaken system. For true sense removing of corruption doesn’t mean only punishing who caught but also it should epitome with high moral value honesty by all the people of country. And this can be only achieved when we start looking inward to ourselves along with other outward reasons. This can only achieve when the leader of movement start looking not just external factor but also inward reason for present situation in country. Once we find inclusiveness in movement, I am sure we can find permanent solution of this cancer called corruption and also able to connect to all people for the movement. Is someone from core Anna team is hearing….