Saturday, October 1, 2011

Clemency Resolution : Are we Banna Republic ?

In last few weeks we observe Clemency resolution in two states for the peoples who are convicted for terrorist activity and given death penalty. One was related to people convicted to Rajiv Gandhi assassination in Tamil Nadu assembly and other is related to Afzal Guru in J&K assembly. It is really ironic that at one end our politician make hue and cry for becoming tough against terrorism and other end they lose no time for gain of vote bank politics by passing the resolution for Clemency petition for same people who are held responsible for it. One of argument put forward by supporter of resolution is that having person to gallows is not suited for civilized society. Well it can be argued as a national conscious and moral value whether a death penalty should be there as a rule of law or not and make the law accordingly. But overruling is not the solution. The second argument given is that in case of people responsible for Rajiv Gandhi assassination already spent more then twenty years in jail with ten years waiting for death penalty. Well there is nothing inhuman then making a person living in fear for years that his/her next days will be last day. Waiting to be hanged for years is worst then death. But why we should not tackle the root cause. By making is compulsory that president should decide the clemency petition in a specific duration rather than sitting on top of it for years. Otherwise I can only hope that at least my grandchildren will see whether Kasab will get clemency from president or not. In case of Afzal Guru case, it is argue that he was not given proper rights during the trail. Well if that the feeling in some section of society than let reopen the case and have speedy trial under Human right and NGO observation. But even then he again convicted then let him punish as per rule of law. In place of making a law to overcome present short coming , our assembly representative are more interested to overrule judgment given by all level Judiciary based on law enacted by same assembly. By doing this they are really making mockery of whole democratic system. If the things go the way ours assembly representative want it, then it will not in distance future we will see people roaming freely on street after committing heinous crime and convicted because they belong to powerful electoral section of society. That day truly we will become a banana republic.

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