Saturday, September 24, 2011

Why American Kid should should worry about competition from Indian Child

Few weeks back while in my home town I meet mother of my child hood friend of my locality. After talking to her I realize how much really India has changed in last decade and why US should really worry. My friend is from Marwari merchant family. They have a cloth shop in a town. In term of education my friend or his sibling barely passes 12th. Till last generation for them, the education means to have basic understanding of math so that they can manage their account and business. But after coming to know her grandchildren children qualification, I was surprised first and then amazed to know how fast India changed just in a decade or so. One of her granddaughter is practicing CA and other one is professor in a college. This is a sea change in a single generation for a family were male member barely pass 12th and daughter are married as soon they are cross legal age for marriage. It point to basic change in attitude in all section of Society in country, in respect of caste, creed or profession now understand the importance of education. We can crib and surely debate about quality in ton of engineering colleges across of every corner of the country. But at the same time with should really appreciate the fact that this college have become instrument of fulfilling the aspiration of lot of parent in hinter land who can’t fulfill their dream due scarcity of resource during their time. Now I can understand Mr. Obama worry when he asks American Kids to get ready to compete with children from Mumbai and Bangalore. Well now Mr. Obama says to American Kids that they not only required to compete with the children from mega city of India, but also from the small town like Durg or Amravathi.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why Mr Narendra Modi not correct choice for PM from BJP

Last week there was lot of buzz about PM candidate of BJP for next Parliament election. Mr. Advani seems to suddenly come from slumber after he announces his Rath Yatra against corruption. And the leading news channel loss no time to have central time debate on his yatra and find some hidden ambition in it. It was favorite discussion for last week about PM candidate from BJP as it seems media has already given mandate that the Congress nominee will be so called uncrown price Rahul Gandhi. Although, there is no official words from Congress Party about it. Another person who frequently comes as forefront as BJP Prime Minister candidate is Mr. Narendra Modi. After getting some immediate relief from SC in Gujrat riot, Mr Modi also make his intention clear by announcing sadbhavana fast that he is preparing for top job. Well I am not sure about Advani, but Modi seems to top most contender from PM. But I think it will be like giving a walkover to congress. In present scenario there are no major difference between political party in term image and transparency. One can argue Corruption as a major issue, but is no longer a baby boy for any of the main stream political party. As the general perception of public is all political party are different faces of same coin. Hence the difference in next election will how strategically and smartly party fights the election. My view against Modi as PM is mainly based on two reasons. Firstly the grand image Mr. Modi has created in past few years due to development and good administration in Gujarat, can’t undo his image of post godhra riot. Especially, in the mind of Muslims and moderate Hindus. As election in India is nothing but a number game where few percentage swing of votes will decide who will rule the country. I am sure that major percentage of muslims will votes unanimously to congress and Hindu votes will be spited as there is no common ground to bound them. And this swing can decide a winner among all. Second reason for Mr. Modi as PM choice is coalition partner of BJP.As the other coalition party in NDA will not going to easily digest Mr. Modi as NDA choice. Mr. Nitesh Kumar already make it intention clear during bihar election by showing his displeasure of having him in a poster with Mr. Modi. Also secular party in NDA will not be ready to lose there muslim votes. Hence it seems a very difficult path for Mr. Modi in respect how hard he try and how good his image after Gujarat development. Some time past sin seems to haunt a person whole life.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fault in Goverment Schemes like Employment Guarantee

Last month I visited my hometown in Chhattisgarh. As monsoon has just arrived in central India, it was cultivation just started to begin. During one of my visit to village I encounter one peculiar problem originate due to government policies. There is huge of shortage of worker in farming and also if available they are highly costly. Hence many farmers not eager to take land for cultivation own by others. Due to this many land remain uncultivated and become barren. The underline reasons for this are government scheme like National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) by central government and two Rs Kg rice program by state government. Well the intention of both policies can’t be question but the implication can be question. The intention is to provide constant basic income to poorest of poor but at the same time it makes them sole dependent on government subsidy. It can be a good vote bank policy but bad for economy and growth. NREGA emphasis on unskilled work, that mean a work doesn’t really add any value to his/her skill after working for years and still will depend on scheme like this to survive. Nor this scheme will make him to come out of spiral of poverty. Also there is lack of imagination on this type of project as in many places the outcome of this type of work is negligible. Apart, this is causing negative impacts on other area like agriculture and industry due to scarcity of worker and impact on cost.
Well I still favor this type scheme but with more thought process and imagination required on them. Why this type of scheme can’t be tied with productivity ? Let say employment guarantee can tied with primary education goal or with other agriculture scheme like National Horticulture mission. Also it should be focused on real poor region rather than implementing it across the country in respect of places where there are sufficient job opportunities and wages. This help in safe guarding on negative impact it is causing on economy. Also emphasis should be given on creating skill of the people rather than labor based unskilled works. This will help poor people to come out of poverty. Otherwise they will be just become a instrument of bring the same ruling elite again to power.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Why ruling elite feel threaten ?

I was sitting with my friends in a room; glue to TV watching Anna arrest saga was unfolding. We all were excited to see the support Anna is getting. But one of friend was more concern than happy to see all these. It has taken me few minute to understand the actual reason. He is political active with high ambition. And political activism doesn't means how active he is for cause for people, but how well he connected. My friend is connected to local leader who is connected to one of Young Cabinet Minister of India. I call it a supply chain for Power. So my friend mentor count on Young Minister for ticket and my friend is counting his mentor. And that is real truth across the party and country. It really count to grow in political hierarchy whom you are connected rather how well your social contribution or capability. Basically underlining my friend concern lays the real challenge that Anna agitation poses to this feudal structure and its future. As Anna in many occasion remind people that they are master and ruling people are servant rather than reverse way were few ruling elite deciding who will be MP or MLA. That the reason why this few elite are feeling threaten and behave in most aggressive way. As it can be seen in present central government there is hardly any grass root leader from top to bottom. The main qualification of most of them is there loyalty to Congress President. The Anna threaten this elite people own survival, as citizen can become their own master and decide who should be contend the election from party rather than elite few in supply chain. There is no prize for guessing who has more chance winning election from Delhi in present situatuin, Mrs Kiran Bedi or Kapil Sibal. But whether congress will be ready to give ticket to Kiran badi in place Kapil Sibal ?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Anna Movement: Why it is different from JP Movement

Few days back I heard a debate in news channel regarding impact of Anna Agitation. At one point one of participant who is also BJP spoke person compare it with mass movement of JP and agitation of in late eighties. While BJP want to be see this Anna agitation similar to other as those mass movements has ended up in change in regime. But they will be disappointed to know that this mass movement is very different for others and far from antiestablishment. JP movement was antiestablishment and become a mass movement because of disillusionment of people of country due to unfulfilled promise after independent. It was further fuelled by youth of seventies due to wide range of unemployment and lack of opportunity. It become antiestablishment as only single party was in power since independent. So the JP movement was not really about system change but change in power. Whereas late eighties movement was totally political and for social equality. What make Anna movement unique is that it has come when India is doing good both economically and globally in world stage. Youth were also main driving force for Anna as during JP movement. But far from seeing lack of opportunity or blink future this young have jobs in MNC and high earning potential. But still they come to street, and that make me believe that desire to change is from inside in these people not due to other factors. And this can really make Anna movement in India history rather than just a history. Also Anna movement is not antiestablishment, as public faith in all political party is negative. One of best outcome of Anna movement is that it has given a voice to public and makes them started believe that they are real power in democracy not people who are ruling. Now the real challenge is to make this movement a continuous process for change not just a landmark in history. I believe that we can count Indian youth for it.