Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fault in Goverment Schemes like Employment Guarantee

Last month I visited my hometown in Chhattisgarh. As monsoon has just arrived in central India, it was cultivation just started to begin. During one of my visit to village I encounter one peculiar problem originate due to government policies. There is huge of shortage of worker in farming and also if available they are highly costly. Hence many farmers not eager to take land for cultivation own by others. Due to this many land remain uncultivated and become barren. The underline reasons for this are government scheme like National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) by central government and two Rs Kg rice program by state government. Well the intention of both policies can’t be question but the implication can be question. The intention is to provide constant basic income to poorest of poor but at the same time it makes them sole dependent on government subsidy. It can be a good vote bank policy but bad for economy and growth. NREGA emphasis on unskilled work, that mean a work doesn’t really add any value to his/her skill after working for years and still will depend on scheme like this to survive. Nor this scheme will make him to come out of spiral of poverty. Also there is lack of imagination on this type of project as in many places the outcome of this type of work is negligible. Apart, this is causing negative impacts on other area like agriculture and industry due to scarcity of worker and impact on cost.
Well I still favor this type scheme but with more thought process and imagination required on them. Why this type of scheme can’t be tied with productivity ? Let say employment guarantee can tied with primary education goal or with other agriculture scheme like National Horticulture mission. Also it should be focused on real poor region rather than implementing it across the country in respect of places where there are sufficient job opportunities and wages. This help in safe guarding on negative impact it is causing on economy. Also emphasis should be given on creating skill of the people rather than labor based unskilled works. This will help poor people to come out of poverty. Otherwise they will be just become a instrument of bring the same ruling elite again to power.

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