Saturday, September 17, 2011

Why Mr Narendra Modi not correct choice for PM from BJP

Last week there was lot of buzz about PM candidate of BJP for next Parliament election. Mr. Advani seems to suddenly come from slumber after he announces his Rath Yatra against corruption. And the leading news channel loss no time to have central time debate on his yatra and find some hidden ambition in it. It was favorite discussion for last week about PM candidate from BJP as it seems media has already given mandate that the Congress nominee will be so called uncrown price Rahul Gandhi. Although, there is no official words from Congress Party about it. Another person who frequently comes as forefront as BJP Prime Minister candidate is Mr. Narendra Modi. After getting some immediate relief from SC in Gujrat riot, Mr Modi also make his intention clear by announcing sadbhavana fast that he is preparing for top job. Well I am not sure about Advani, but Modi seems to top most contender from PM. But I think it will be like giving a walkover to congress. In present scenario there are no major difference between political party in term image and transparency. One can argue Corruption as a major issue, but is no longer a baby boy for any of the main stream political party. As the general perception of public is all political party are different faces of same coin. Hence the difference in next election will how strategically and smartly party fights the election. My view against Modi as PM is mainly based on two reasons. Firstly the grand image Mr. Modi has created in past few years due to development and good administration in Gujarat, can’t undo his image of post godhra riot. Especially, in the mind of Muslims and moderate Hindus. As election in India is nothing but a number game where few percentage swing of votes will decide who will rule the country. I am sure that major percentage of muslims will votes unanimously to congress and Hindu votes will be spited as there is no common ground to bound them. And this swing can decide a winner among all. Second reason for Mr. Modi as PM choice is coalition partner of BJP.As the other coalition party in NDA will not going to easily digest Mr. Modi as NDA choice. Mr. Nitesh Kumar already make it intention clear during bihar election by showing his displeasure of having him in a poster with Mr. Modi. Also secular party in NDA will not be ready to lose there muslim votes. Hence it seems a very difficult path for Mr. Modi in respect how hard he try and how good his image after Gujarat development. Some time past sin seems to haunt a person whole life.

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